A Recap on Arts Day 2018

On Tuesday, October 2nd, 2018, over 100 arts advocates from across Canada traveled to Parliament Hill to deliver the messages of the Canadian Arts Coalition and to encourage continued investment in our vibrant and creative sector. Teams of advocates met with Parliamentarians in order to have productive discussions about our growing industry while expressing our specific and current needs from the Minister of Canadian Heritage and the Minister of Finance.

The Coalition’s messaging this year was focused on addressing weak links in the creative value chain. In order to create synergies with previous federal investments, Arts Day delegates sought support in three areas:

Arts presentation in Canadian communities;

Training and internships; and,

Edmonton | Call to Alberta Artists:: Shaw Conference Centre Atrium Glazing Replacement Public Art Project

Call to Alberta Artists :: Shaw Conference Centre Atrium Glazing Replacement

The Shaw Conference Centre Atrium public art competition, open to professional artists residing in Alberta is held in accordance with the City of Edmonton policy “Percent for Art to Provide and Encourage Art in Public Areas” (C458C).

A defining landmark of Edmonton’s cityscape, for 35 years the Shaw Conference Centre has hosted conferences, concerts, social events, weddings, and graduations. The iconic atrium, which cascades down a slope overlooking the North Saskatchewan River Valley connects, Jasper Avenue with the valley below and the prairie sky overhead.

Designed by Edmonton architect B. James Wensley, 70% of the building (300,000 square-feet) is located underground. From ground level to the top of the atrium, the building measures over 10 storeys high. Visitors are transported from the atrium to the conference spaces below via an indoor funicular. The fully-glazed atrium affords visitors a 270-degree view of the North Saskatchewan River Valley and its associated parks.

Red Deer | Red Deer’s Arts and Culture Needs Open House

Have you had your say yet?

The City of Red Deer is undertaking a Cultural Facilities Needs Assessment to better understand the future of arts and cultural needs in our community. You may have already participated in our online survey – which had a great response rate – but that was just one component of our engagement process. We’re now ready to present some of the findings to make sure what we heard rings true and that we’re on the right path.

On November 1, we’ll be sharing our initial findings and asking for input from stakeholders and the community on key areas. Much like during the survey, it’s important that we hear from the people like you, who live, work and take part in Red Deer’s cultural offer. Please join us at this open house to help us better understand the needs, challenges and opportunities for arts and culture in Red Deer and the broader region.

Thursday, November 1


Date limite : Vendredi 2 novembre 2018

Le Centre d’arts visuels de l’Alberta (CAVA) lance un appel à projets pour la programmation de janvier à août 2019 de l’Espace Exploration. Cet appel s’adresse aux artistes, groupes d’artistes, collectifs et commissaires francophones oeuvrant dans le domaine des arts visuels. Lors de la sélection des projets artistiques, le jury portera une attention particulière à des projets reflétant les transformations et les innovations des domaines des arts visuels. Les dossiers des artistes albertains seront traités en priorité. Dans son Espace Exploration, le CAVA présente chaque année 6 expositions d’art actuel. En parallèle des expositions, le CAVA organise des conférences, des conversations avec les artistes ou des ateliers créatifs permettant d’appréhender l’exposition sous un autre angle et de prolonger la réflexion.

Le Centre d’arts visuels de l’Alberta (CAVA), fondée en 1997 par la Société francophone des arts visuels de l’Alberta (SAVA) est une association à but non lucratif qui a pour mission de sensibiliser la communauté à l’importance des arts visuels et de stimuler les artistes francophones dans leur cheminement.

Tous les dossiers doivent comprendre :