Dean Foster
Born and raised in South Africa, I had a passion for both motorcycles and art from an early age. I attended art school in Natal and soon found myself contracting to some of the top marketing firms in the world. Some 25 years later and a half a world away, I’ve since relocated to Central Alberta and am creating unique illustrations and caricatures for individuals and companies.
I use pencil for my caricatures when I’m at an event – typically head and shoulders. For special occasions such as anniversaries and birthdays or corporate gifts, I’ll use ink and if requested, I’ll apply colour digitally. When I find the time, I like to dabble in pastels and acrylics.
Life and my surroundings inspire me and the fact that I can make a good honest living doing something that I enjoy. Seeing the surprise on someone’s face that just received one of my drawings is the greatest reward.